Creating a historic overview of a company's finances can be complicated most times. However with GrowthWheel Online you - or your clients - can easily add some key numbers on the pages and get a full financial visual report generated as PDF files.
1. How to create a financial overview
Select a company in the My Clients menu and click the menu ‘Financial Overview’.
2. Add revenue numbers by years
By default you’re on the Revenue page. Click on the ‘+year’ button if you want to add a new year.
3. Click ‘Profit’ to add your Gross, Operating, and Net profit before tax by years.
4. You will get the margins automatically calculated and you can delete any yearly record.
5. Add different costs
Click ‘Cost Structure’ to add direct and operational costs. Click on the ‘+ Direct Costs’ and ‘+ Operational Costs’ buttons to add as many categories as you want to.
6. This page will automatically calculate the total direct and operational costs based on the numbers for revenue and profit already entered.
7. Next, click on the ‘Balance Sheet’ and add the company’s distribution of assets and liabilities.
8. Click on “Ratios”, this next page will give you all the standard financial ratios automatically calculated.
9. Find explanations for each ratio
Mouse-hover the info icon to see an explanatory message of each ratio.
10. Get ratios calculated
Mouse-hover the ratio box to see on which pages of the Financial Overview you need to add data in order to get the ratios calculated.
11. Set the minimum and ideal target for each ratio and the traffic light indicator will provide a visual cue for your attention.
12. Find funds received
Click on “Funds Received” to get an overview of the funds the client company has received by quarter and year.
13. Click the “+ Fund received” button to add new fundings.
14. When adding new funding, in order to see the fundings on the charts, you must add at least the type of funding, the approved amount, and the approval date.
15. Also, you can specify how the funds are used. Click the “Save” button after filling the main data.
16. View client growth
Next, click on “Employees” for viewing charts and tables of how your clients are growing.
17. Click the “+ year” button to add a new year and fill out the numbers for full time, part-time, temporary, and seasonal employees.
18. Click the “Download” button and choose to either download each page as a one-page PDF or select to download the Full Financial Overview Report.
19. Download as PDF
If you click "full financial overview", a new screen will open up where you can select which pages to include. Click the ‘Download’ button to download PDF.
Congratulations, you just created the Financial Overview and downloaded the PDF report using GrowthWheel Online!