It is easy to automatically create counseling session in Neoserra without any double entry. 
First, log into Neoserra and click on your name in the top right and then on preferences or settings (I don't remember what it is called anymore). Scroll down to the Post Box settings. Copy your postbox email.

Now log into GrowthWheel Online. Click on your name in the top right and select my profile settings. Click on email settings.
Add your copied Postbox email into the BCC line just under "From Name"

Now whenever you email from GrowthWheel, it will automatically create a coaching session in Neoserra. 

Be sure to double check under your Neoserra settings what you have set as the automatic time for the session (30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, etc.) and set it to what is most common for you. Also, be sure to click the checkmark in the "Reportable?" box.