There are several different ways that you can share a tool with your client on GrowthWheel Online. The client can also re-upload a tool after they have edited it, so you both have access to the tool. You can also read about how to re-send tools to a client.


1. Use email icon

You can click the email icon below the tool you wish to share, and send an e-mail to your client about this particular tool.

2. Edit tool basket

You can add the tool(s) to your tool basket and click the email icon so you can quickly share the entire tool basket with your client. 

3. You can share the tool directly with the client by uploading it directly to the company profile on GrowthWheel Online:
    - Go to "My clients"

    - Click on the name of the company you want to share files with

    - Click on the "Decisions and actions" menu 

    - Click on the "Advisor Files" submenu

    - Lastly, click on "+ tool" name and upload the file you wish to share with your client 

When a client receives a Decision Sheet from an advisor, they need to edit it on their own computer, we highly recommend using Adobe Reader for this. 

Once the client is done working with the tool and wants to share it with the advisor, they can easily upload the file directly to GrowthWheel Online, as explained in this support article. Your client can share any files they want to since our system accepts several different file types.

The file will now be available for the advisor under "client files".



If you wish to resend tools to your clients (for example, after the old link has expired) you have to create a new tool basket and upload the same tools again and then share it with your client as explained above. If you forgot what you sent in the past, you can click on the client and then go to client files where it will be accessible.