The following steps explain how to view analytics per individual client or find the aggregated data for all of your clients. These analytics will give you a better overview and insight into what your client is working on. 


1. Choose a client and find individual analytics

In the menu “My Clients”, choose the client from “List” and choose “Client Analytics” on the far right.

2. Get an overview of different Analytics

Note how you get an overview of the client’s planned decisions and actions and how they are divided into the four Work Areas.

3. See completed and ongoing tasks

Note how completed tasks also can be seen on a timeline by Work Area.

4. Overview of all Analytics

Go to the main menu 'My Clients' and click 'Analytics'. Find here the aggregated data for all your clients, such as client portfolio, financials, decisions, actions, ambitions, outcomes, and interactions.

5. Additional information for managers

If you are a manager in your organization you can request to get access to a dashboard that shows aggregated data for all clients that advisors in your organization are working with.